Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Leaving SJC

It was a challenge.  Fifty-three days on the road.  Fifty-three days!  That appears to be a long time.  But not long enough when you want to squeeze in Australia, New Zealand, and the Fiji Islands in that short period.  All three stood in front of us asking for the maximum possible time we could give them. We arbitrarily made our decision.  One month for you, Australia; you get eleven days, New Zealand; and you, Fiji, you get ten—a couple of days to be lost in flying.

Even when we reached the San Jose airport over two hours before our flight to Los Angeles, we managed to miss our plane.  How?  Three of the four, on reaching the gate, and with boarding passes in their hands decided they had plenty of time and they needed to check out other areas of the airport.  By the time they got back the gate had closed.  American Airlines put us on the next flight, almost an hour later.  Were we going to miss our LAX to Nadi flight?

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